Clergyman for Finance Ishaq Dar made phone call to Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan Dr Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal and raised Islamabad's worries over these records. Them two examined the reported prohibition on the holding of Pakistani rupee in Afghanistan amid their discussion.
"The Afghan government has forced no such confinement on the holding of Pakistani coin and it is unreservedly convertible like different monetary forms," said the envoy. There were media reports that the police head of Kandahar territory in Afghanistan has banned the utilization of Pakistani cash in the key southern region.
The Afghan area had forced limitations for conveying remote coinage in theircountry including Pakistani rupee that brought about worries among Pakistani government hovers for embracing oppressive state of mind towards Islamabad.
Ensuing to the telephonic discussion with Dar, the Afghan minister issued an announcement in which he expressed, "For illumination, according to our Central Bank's law, customary exchanges in all outside coinage, aside from our own money - the Afghani, are not permitted; it is presently all the more entirely upheld. Be that as it may, no outside cash regardless is prohibited to be openly convertible in our cash trade advertises anyplace in our nation. This is basically the same practice in each other nation and certain media reports with a specific diverse depiction are consequently deceptive." Ishaq Dar valued the illumination and communicated trust that it will encourage the business exercises between the two nations.
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